Reaching net zero
Dedicated in helping to transform climate investment into action
Dedicated in helping to transform climate investment into action
We are dedicated to help the earth reaching net zero.
Net zero will only be possible by securing an immediate - an extensive - growth in the number and scope of Carbon Removal Projects.
Our aim is to act as a facilitator between current and future stakeholders who in some way - directly or indirectly - involve in Carbon Removal.
Through our direct engagement with you and through our contribution in the ongoing discussion surrounding Net Zero - via our information services, our blog etc. - we strive to help to increase the focus on Carbon Removal and hereby to ultimately for us to reach Net Zero.
Certain types of rocks e.g. silicate rocks naturally absorb carbon when exposed to air and the amount is absorbs over a given timeframe is proportional to its surface area. Grinding and spreading it on farm land dramatically increases its surface area and thereby its ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere and at the same time it helps fertilize the land.
The Direct air carbon capture and storage (DACCS) method use chemistry to extract carbon from the air and in turn stores it so it does not re-enter the atmosphere for thousands of years.
The capture process requires large amounts of energy, but if its provided by a carbon free source like wind farms it is really a very lucrative option.
The Direct air carbon capture and storage (DACCS) method use chemistry to extract carbon from the air and in turn stores it so it does not re-enter the atmosphere for thousands of years.
The capture process requires large amounts of energy, but if its provided by a carbon free source like wind farms it is really a very lucrative option.
When it comes to storage there are various options - either pumping the captured carbon deep into emptied reservoirs from oil- and gas production or mixing it into building - and other materials.
Biochar is a carbon-rich substance produced by heating various types of biomass without oxygen being present (pyrolysis).
The biomass necessary for making Biochar is typically naturally available waste material like sewage and food waste or can also be grown for the purpose.
For most types of biochar - when added to soil - carbon is stored
Biochar is a carbon-rich substance produced by heating various types of biomass without oxygen being present (pyrolysis).
The biomass necessary for making Biochar is typically naturally available waste material like sewage and food waste or can also be grown for the purpose.
For most types of biochar - when added to soil - carbon is stored for hundreds to thousands of years. High pyrolysis temperatures greatly increases the storage time.
Also like some of the other reduction processes it has as co-benefit that agricultural yields are increased for many crop types. Also It can improve air quality, and provide income for parties involved in biochar production
Comprehensive monitoring of media and the internet in general.
Experts from universities, governments, financial institutions, sustainability suppliers etc.
AI generated and deeper insight into the field.
We have diverse backgrounds supporting all aspects of how we work and want to achieve: Energy/climate science, AI, consulting, media, etc.